September 2023

two girls in kimono in the streets of Japan heading to temple

Embracing Tradition and Progress: The Essence of Japanese Philosophy

Japan’s rich philosophy beautifully blends the realms of spirituality and practicality, offering a captivating glimpse into a nation that cherishes its traditions while embracing a dynamic and progressive mindset. At the core of this philosophy lies a harmonious fusion of three influential belief systems: Shinto, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Together, they form the backbone of wisdom […]

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people in front of the temple

The Path to Fulfillment: Ikigai and the Japanese Philosophy

Within the depths of Japanese philosophy, we find a guiding principle that illuminates the path to a fulfilling and balanced life: Ikigai. Ikigai represents the intersection of passion, skill, societal need, and income potential. It is a concept that encourages individuals to discover their purpose and live with intention. Just as Ikigai serves as a

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